But this letter is a special one. And it was supposed to be a very quiet one. Somehow, through journalistic voodoo and heka magic, the New York Times happened across the contents. It looks, for the moment, that Mr. Obama was quietly implying that the US wou

The implications are interesting. First, about the leak--it is unclear whether the letter was supposed to be leaked or not. Intentional leaks are common, in order to let the state throw its hands up and say, "we didn't mean to publicize this," and so further questions are not pressured. This may be an intentional leak--it may be an attempt to show Eastern Europe, Russia, et al, that the missile shield is not intended as an anti-Russian initiative (even though it is). This potentially gives Obama some political traction for continuing the project, should it seem necessary.
But it also makes the shield a bargaining chip with Russia. Obama says, "we know you don't like

So Obama knows that today, one needs to sidle up to the Russians, and pressure the Iranians. Obviously, this is tough to do. Medvedev, when questioned about the leak, mostly shrugged at the situation and said that "nothing concrete" was in the letter. He knows that he is in a relatively good relative bargaining position, and is not ready to yet show his hand.
But ultimately, the missile shield in Eastern Europe is something that the Russians are willing to do a lot to get rid of. In a somewhat ironic way, Mr. Obama can thank Mr. Bush for leaving the incomplete missile shield behind so that he, in the nicest way possible, can use it as a lever to pry Moscow.
That's a very seductive picture of Medvedev.
Tis the play between the colour of his tie and his skin.
I wonder if this is going to work for Obamaa. Stratfor talked a little about this, and their conclusion that the Russians would rather see America humiliated in the Middle East than reduce American influence in Eastern Europe seems to hold water. The traditional Russian emphasis on protecting the border and putting as much mileage between Moscow and the nearest enemy as possible doesn't apply here, because missile shield or no, Eastern Europe with the exception of Belorussia and perhaps the Ukraine is already so firmly against Moscow. They don't loose much if the missile shield goes up; but we lose a LOT if Iran goes nuclear.
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