Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Another Election Digression

I must apologize for not getting this out earlier, but I was busy watching the election.

It is clear at this point that I'm a Libertarian, so I have no shame in publishing the following picture, made by the wonderful Kathleen Clark-Adams:


Shar said...

Can you believe Ted Stevens won his Senate race? All the things that I cared about except for decriminalisation of pot in MA have failed.
So mostly, Al Franken was not elected, Sununu lost to Shaheen and Prop 8 passed.

The last two make me particularly sadface.
p.s. awesome posterz

Unknown said...

Sununu is a shame, yeah; I really liked her. Proposition 8 also sucks, but it's what happens when you have a presidential campaign busting its butt to get a disproportionately high number of (Catholic!) Hispanics and (Baptist!) blacks to vote in a state that he was going to win anyway. But don't worry, I'm sure Mr. Obama will take a strong, principled stance for equal marriage rights *snicker*.

I'm honestly pretty shocked Mr. Stevens has (probably) won his race (CNN has not yet called it). Likewise, I'm rather surprised Al Franken didn't pull him out, but I think he's a jerk, so am not that sad about it.

Laura47 said...

John Sununu is a her? I never knew!