The Bush adminsitration has wanted a "long-term" US presence in Iraq, including permanent bases (like in Korea, Japan, Germany). Al-Maliki, the Prime Minister, has suggested a counter-proposal: A withdrawal timeline. At first glance, this would be a crippling defeat for George Bush, vindicating all of his political opponents that have been demanding such a thing for years.
But more likely, it is a compromise proposed by the administration itself, after

Al-Maliki mentioned that the timeline would stretch until 2011 or 2012--2 or 3 years into the new presidency. At this point, I think most people in the administration are betting that Obama is going to win the election, and are hedging against him. That, or they could be trying to defeat him.
Stealing the initiative: If the Administration agrees to a 2012 withdrawal timeline and Obama wins the election, he will be hard-pressed to implement his 16-month withdrawal plan, given a previous treaty arrangement with the Iraqis (which he is bound by the Constitution to obey). If the Bush administration's war thinkers are worried about a speedy withdrawal, setting their own timeline with the Iraqis is the best way to prevent it.
Influencing the Election: This move has clear implications in the election that Obama will have to deal with very carefully. He could be caught in a double-bind. If this timeline agreement goes through, Obama will have to choose whether or not to dramatically change his policy. Should he obey the timeline, and try to delicately drop his 16-month withdrawal plan? He might draw serious criticism for flip-flopping, discourage his base, or lose his anti-war cred with moderates. Or should he defy the treaty, and stick to the plan? The Republicans may try to snatch moderates back by calling him out-of-touch, idealistic, unwilling to deal with reality, ignoring international treaties, etc. This timeline may make his Iraq stance an automatic liability, which is definitely a win for an administration that wants someone who is going to stick closer to its foreign policy aims into the future.
Whatever is happening, it is likely very thoroughly-thought long-term planning by the Bush administration. Al-Maliki is a close enough Bush ally that he almost certainly would

Mmm. While I don't really agree with the 16 month withdrawal plan, and hope that a better plan can be worked out, I think your analysis of the internal U.S. politics of it is a little off. The odds that Bush will get *any* treaty through the Senate in the next six months and 11 days is slim to none, which means that the next President will be free to disregard it if he wants to. On the other hand, I think Obama has been looking for an excuse to back off his withdrawal plan, so an agreed upon withdrawal plan, even if it takes a few months longer than he's said in the past he'd prefer, would quite possibly make him happy. (Really, if he can't sell "I set forth a 16 month plan. The Iraqi's have now asked for a 24 month plan, and I am happy to give them the extra 8 months." he doesn't deserve to be president. A 36 month plan is a bit more of a stretch, but still vastly closer to his plan than to the "no timetables!" plan he was opposing.)
I think there's more to the domestic politics than that.
Firstly, Bush can't "steal the initiative". That would alienate even more of the Republican voters, who are already unhappy with their party. If he agrees to any timetable, that just makes it more likely that Obama will win.
Secondly, Obama doesn't need to worry about what he'll actually do or be bound to do as president until January. Ultimately, I think that an Iraqi withdrawal proposal is good for his presidential campaign. It means that people who are unhappy with the war in Iraq but are afraid of what will happen if we pull out can use the Iraqi proposal to resolve their dilemma. It justifies our exit from Iraq, since the Iraqis wouldn't ask us to leave unless they (believed they) could stand up on their own.
And while Bush is not a stupid man, I think your theory that he is outsmarting everyone by allowing it to appear that he has been forced to cave on this issue goes against nearly every characteristic we've seen from this administration. The only thing that this White House hates more than losing is looking weak. I think al-Maliki is looking to satisfy his own domestic needs by requesting a timetable, and knows he can get away with it because of our election-year politics.
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